UNIFATT Electronic Invoice
Electronic invoicing services and solutions for private companies and public administrations
As of Jan. 1, 2019, also in the context of relations between private companies (amendment to the rules contained in Legislative Decree 127/2015) for the supply of goods and provision of services carried out between persons resident, established or identified in the territory of the State, only electronic invoices will be issued through the Interchange System (SDI).
In addition to public administrations, companies are therefore also required to handle invoices exclusively in electronic form, complying with the new technical rules. The Invoices issued, are not simple files, but are Invoices in electronic format, structured according to a standard XML language, digitally signed by the person who issued them and mandatorily to be stored for tax purposes only in digital form. The structured format allows to cut down on data recording time and immediately catch any critical issues in "reconciliations."
The application has been realized in web technology and can be installed either at the Company's servers, or be activated in SaaS (Application Service Provisioning - Software as a Service) mode using the facilities and Server Farm that Unimatica itself provides, guaranteeing the appropriate levels of security and "business continuity" and full compliance with the regulations for the protection of the information managed.
The application operates in compliance with Agid and Internal Revenue Service regulations. The system is multifunctional and can handle both active and passive invoices in fully electronic mode.
The UNIFATT platform composed of two distinct and mutually interoperable modules, connected to Sogei's SDI system, to the management systems of the company or entity, to the legal archiving of administrative documents, and to the application integration module with the Ordinativo Informatico (OIL) used by entities for the payment of invoices payable.
The service modules enable comprehensive management of the entire invoice lifecycle, both active and passive:
- UNIFATT-B2B Management of active and passive invoices issued by the Company to Individuals, Public Administrations and other Companies
- UNIFATT-PA Management of active and passive invoices issued by the Public Administration to Companies, Individuals and other Public Administrations
The platform is therefore the optimal tool for the Company to comply with the new rules of electronic invoicing and fully digital management of administrative documents as required by the Digital Administration Code, complying with regulations and technical rules for the reproduction and preservation of digital documents through the application of qualified digital signature and time stamping.
- Invoice entry portal
- Receive electronic invoice streams issued by the Company's management procedures to transform them into the required formats
- Performing all necessary verifications and checking invoices for correctness
- Managing any anomalies
- Digital signature of the invoices
- Managing in automatic mode the communication channel with SDI;
- Managing the status of the invoice received: in process, accepted, accepted due to expiration of terms and rejected;
- Accepting and/or rejecting invoices individually or in multiple mode (service for Public Administration only);
- Management of acceptance/rejection receipts to be sent to SDI.
- Integration with accounting system;
- Sending invoices to recipients in multi-channel mode: electronically (via email or PEC) or through a contracted mail carrier to which the appropriate file is sent, in the required format and with the appropriate time frames.
- Pour invoices and receipts to the UNISTORAGE storage system using the required metadata
The platform allows invoices, created in XML format according to the SDI standard, to be displayed in a clear and intelligible manner using the Assosoftware standard. It is in this way visualized the information enrichment inserted within the Invoices
the Unimatica Electronic Invoicing Portal is an indispensable interface and management tool for all Customers who need to issue and/or receive electronic invoices to and/or from Public Administrations and/or individuals. The Unimatica platform is based on a versatile and modular structure adapted to both the needs of the single Customer.
Unimatica provides the invoicing portal to CNDCEC accountants. Through the portal's features, each accountant can register his or her clients, who will receive a link for registration on the portal and access to their active and passive invoices.
The accountant can then decide whether to work on behalf of clients.
Through the portal, other services such as book record keeping, electronic signature, video collaboration platform can also be purchased.