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A system for long-term filing and storage of IT documents


  • Reduced occupied space
  • Reduced management costs
  • Reduced document search and retrieval time

UNISTORAGE is Unimatica's solution for digital archiving. Its first version, released more than 20 years ago, has evolved significantly and is constantly updated to maintain the highest levels of performance and security.

It is a service designed to manage the regulation-compliant archiving of computerized documents regardless of their nature, whether they are tax documents (such as invoices or Bills of Lading), banking documents, or health documents.

In line with the regulations, Unimatica has met the compliance requirements as a registrar accredited to AgID's Register of Registrars since 2015, obtaining in 2017 the certificate from ACCREDIA in accordance with the provisions of the Agency for Digital Italy (Art. 29 of Legislative Decree 82 of 2005, as amended), in accordance with the requirements identified in Art. 24 of Regulation (EU) 910/2014 eIDAS.

Unimatica is currently accredited on the new Portal of Qualified Registrars, established by AgID as of January 1, 2022, and thus operates constantly in full compliance with the regulatory, procedural and security standards required by AgID:

As with paper analog documents, digital documents must also be stored in an organized and easily searchable archive. The digital archive is the "place" where all computer documents, whether digitally signed or not, issued by one or more producing entities are stored. The UniStorage system manages and ensures the proper archiving of these documents, which, with reference to current legislation, have the same evidentiary value as authentic paper documents. This equivalence has enabled the reengineering of document processes bringing significant benefits to public entities and businesses.

The Unistorage system has been designed to integrate with all information document management systems and is capable of verifying and accepting the formats stated in Annex 2 of the Technical Rules on preservation contained in the DPCM December 3, 2013.


The service performs all stages of the preservation process of digital documents, which takes place by storing them on the system and ends with the affixing of the time reference (Time Stamp) and digital signature on the set of documents, called the PdA - Archiving Package, by the Head of the Preservation Service certifying that the process has been carried out correctly.

The affixing of a digital signature:

  • Ensures that the document has not been altered in any way since its issuance (protection);
  •  Allows identification without possibility of doubt of who authenticated the document (authentication).

Each step in the process is constantly monitored, starting with the deposit of packages and ending with their eventual discard. Every action is tracked within the system so as to meet the requirements of clarity and security, cornerstones of company policy and the quality of services provided.

The UniStorage service is provided through Unimatica's primary (Bologna) and secondary (Settimo Torinese) Data Centers each of which is redundant on a Disaster Recovery site. All sites are ISO-27001 certified specifically for this type of service. 

The Archiving Manual is updated according to the Guidelines for the Formation, Management and Preservation of Computer Records effective January 1, 2022.

In compliance with AgID's guidance regarding the certification of the legal archiving service provided by Unimatica, the company informs interested stakeholders that it has long since drawn up a Service Termination Plan.

The Legal Archiving System Manual, Service Termination Plan, and additional documentary material of interest may be requested by sending appropriate notice to the company as defined in the Contact Us section of this site.


  • Document acquisition and deposit via predefined channels (SFTP, Web-Service, upload via upload portal, probes, extractors, shipping hubs, etc.);
  •  Verification and control of incoming formats;
  •  Encryption of privacy-sensitive documents (e.g., reports) in accordance with AgID regulations;
  •  Creation of Archiving Packages (PdA) and Distribution Packages (PdD);
  • Document Archiving Process according to the rules described in the Preservation Manual;
  •  Accessing, searching and viewing preserved documents;
  •  Specialized systems for depositing and searching/displaying according to document type (tax, health, contracts, minutes, deeds, resolutions and determinations, policies, etc.).

Unimatica has adopted the international standard OAIS - Open Archival Information System, which consists of 3 main phases:

  • Acquisition: transfer of the PdV - Deposit Package to the preservation system
  • Preservation: , the PdVs are transformed into PdA - Archiving Packages. If digitally signed documents are present, signature certificates are retrieved that attest that the specific signature was valid at the time the file entered the preservation system
  • Distribution: Request to the preservation system for one or more document units (PDDs - Distribution Packages).



The continuous operation of the Services is guaranteed by Unimatica's direct management of the following environments:


  • servers
  • networks and network equipment
  • logical and physical security
  • basic software
  • storage and backup systems
  • file systems and databases


A Continuous Monitoring service is in place for direct 1st level interventions capable of viewing the entire Service chain (Monitoring Center).

Network monitoring is carried out through 24x7x365 monitoring tools aimed at verifying the continuous functionality of the system.

Detection of Service Levels is carried out periodically by Unimatica, which produces related Reports, made available upon special request.


For Archival Packages, Unimatica will make the discard taking into account the discard limits and the ultimate decision of the Archival Superintendence (in the case of PA or supervised entity).