Folder management system for contracts, documents and attachments, digital signatures and legally-compliant archiving
UNIFOLDER is an user-friendly document application that allows the user to manage dossiers of composed and articulated documents.
The service is available both as a web application for job networks in territorially distributed operating locations and for local networks in offices.
The operator is guided in a simple and intuitive way in the production of new files, capturing and classifying contracts, documents and attachments, available on the network or through scanners connected to the workplace or through active multifunction systems.
For the documents to be signed, Unimatica's Digital Signature service (UNISERV) is natively integrated so that the same document can be signed with all types of signatures permitted by current regulations (e.g., for the contract, it is possible to have the contractor and any other signatories sign with graphometric signatures, while the Manager of the Institution/Company can affix the digital signature, either qualified or remote).
This dossier-oriented document subsystem is characterized by maximum flexibility in defining dossier types in management. Indeed, it is possible to freely define dossier types in production, associating metadata with each type.
Each dossier, of course, can be associated with a free number of document types. Each document type has the possibility of association to a customized group of characterizing metadata. For each document type belonging to a specific file type, it is possible to define, in a profilable mode, the mandatory membership in the file, the cardinality, the mandatory signature in telematic mode. For each type of file it is, finally, possible to define the rules of archiving according to the law, as well as its duration.
The service is characterized by its exceptional search engine that can operate on the specific metadata, even in multiple and simultaneous modes. Moreover, if the relevant function is enabled, the search can be performed in Full Text Search mode on the contents of all documentary attachments acquired to the file, possibly also associating a thesaurus that allows synonym searching.
- Organizes the Document Archives, according to classification schemes and in compliance with archival constraints, in a way that is functional to the objectives of use of the documents within the Institution/Company
- Allows the management of complex and articulated dossiers, defining documents and attachments in both mandatory and optional modes
- Performs security checks with respect to access privileges, insert, delete, modify documents and information related to the classification of the documents
- Allows searching of documents by specifying combinations of the attributes and properties, linked through logical operators and/or based on the content of the documents themselves (also in full-text search mode)
- Is natively integrated with the digital signature system/service and advanced electronic signature (Uniserv)
- It is natively integrated with the system/service of regulation-compliant archiving of digital documents (Unistorage)
- Allows documents and messages received via e-mail and PEC to be included in the file
- It is natively integrated with the notification system/service (e-mail, PEC, sms, whatsapp, telegram, post if necessary) for the telematic sending of documents and files both to internal services and to other structures or entities.
UniFolder is easily integrated with client business applications via web-services.
UniFolder's native web pages can be quickly customized and inserted into the customer's application process. All operations performed and communications between different components take place in an encrypted and secure manner.
UniFolder is also capable of activating PEC Folder service, a category of folder that, integrating with the other pre-existing types, defines the specific metadata and rules related to the documents it contains. The PEC Folder consists of the information related to sent emails and typical PEC service receipts (acceptance, delivery, etc.), together with the attachments originally connected to the message. These documents are integrated with the technical attachments produced by the interaction with the channel (acquisition signature, delivery certification, etc...). The same archiving process will be performed for received emails for which, obviously, the auxiliary messages of acquisition and successful delivery will not be handled.
The application can be installed and made operational on the customer's Data Centers in HA (Haigh Availability), D/R (with Disaster/Recovery at secondary Data Centers) and BC (Business Continuity) configurations.
The service can also be provided by Unimatica S.p.A. in SaaS (Software as a Service) methodology, through its already operational data center and server farm infrastructures. The availability of the platform in SaaS mode enables the customer to activate the service very quickly and allows a subsequent insourcing phase (OnPremises) at its own IT infrastructure.
UniFolder is fully integrated with the other subsystems and services that Unimatica offers and, in particular, with UniServ, to guarantee the signing of a document in all the electronic methods required by the regulations, and UniStorage for the regulation-compliant digital archiving of documents that, depending on the profile of the dossier, can be sent for preservation:
- manually, with explicit action by the user of the system
- automatically as soon as complete, that is, as soon as all mandatory documents are in the dossier
- automatically with a profilable delay, after a certain number of days after the file has been closed.